is Rack right for this?


My 2.3.2 app has 2 components. It serves a browser-based client, and it serves a web service client. Each client has its own set of controllers to separate authentication / authorization cleanly and clearly. The web service client sends gets, posts, and puts, some with xml bodies, and the app responds with status / location and xml bodies where appropriate. I'm in the beginning stages of moving the app to Rails 3. One thing I'd like to accomplish is to reduce the start-up overhead associated with the web service requests if possible. I really don't need / use the erb functionality in constructing the responses, for example. The thing I don't have my arms around at this point is how to get the controller and model 'stuff' loaded without the bulk of the view 'stuff'.' Anybody got any experience / insight to share. I don't seem to have my google fu in order.

Thanks, Bill

I've been using Sinatra for API stuff lately and love it. In particular I've been getting great results with async Sinatra via Kyle Drake's Sammy Davis Junior boilerplate. I'm on a mobile device now, otherwise I'd give you a link.

You could just write your own rack app, but that's probably not necessary.

Another thing to check out is Goliath.