Hi, guys. I'm so happy to join this group. I'm new to ROR. And I haven't learned or used any other program langueage before. I'm intrest in develop web-based database-driven prgramming. My company need to develop a bussiness management system recently. I wanna use ROR for a try. So, where should I start? In another words, what books or resources should I read?
I'd start by watching the rails screencast where a sample blog app is
built. Next check out Agile Web Development with Rails. It's pretty
good, and comes with some exercises that you can follow along with.
Also, if you have *never* programmed before, Chris Pine's "Learn to Program" is a pleasure to read and provides just enough to get started with Ruby, the language in which the Rails framework is written.
Cheers Mohit.
Andy Triboletti wrote:
Thanks a lot! Where can I find those resources you're metioned? When I googled "Buby on Rails". There're a huge of results. and some results confused me very well. HAHA.
Thanks, friend. I'll try to google "Learn to Program & Chris Pine".
Here's the screencast link
Here's the agile book link http://www.pragmaticprogrammer.com/titles/rails2/
good luck
Thanks. Everything goes well.