how to connect to microsoft sql server 6.5

Hi all, i'm beginner in rails world...i try to connect my rails application on a db sql server 6.5 without success, ca you help me? i try odbc driver, jtds e activerecord-sqlserver-adapter but nothing... what are the right gems or the right sequence procedure?

thx Prinx

I only know about SQLServer 2005 and 2008, not 6.5. Anyway, here is a list of things I had to do to get a project working with 2005 using Ruby 1.8.6, Rails 2.3.5 and Mongrel as the web server. You might need to skip/change some of the steps. I hope it helps:

1. Install Ruby (1.8.6): Download Ruby 2. Install rubygems:   a. Download RubyGems | | your community gem host (zip version)   b. Unpack to a directory and cd there   c. ruby setup.rb 3. Install rails: gem install rails –v=2.3.5 4. Install mongrel: gem install mongrel 5. Install mongrel service: gem install mongrel_service 6. Install SQL Server adapter: gem install activerecord-sqlserver- adapter 7. Install ODBC gem: gem install odbc-rails 8. Install authentication gem: gem install authlogic 9. Install encryption gem: gem install attr_encrypted 10. Install SQL Server Management utility (from Microsoft) 11. Create SQL Server DB 12. Create login in SQL Server 13. Create DB user 14. Create DSN in Windows: a. Control Panel -> Adminstrative Tasks -> Data Sources (ODBC) b. Click on System DSN -> Add c. Select type SQL Server   i. Name: *Give it a name*   ii. Description: *Give it a description*   iii. Server: Server name (*whatever name you can see in the SQL Server Management Utility*)   iv. Use SQL Authentication

Forgot to add database.yml configuration. Here it is:

your_environment_here:   adapter: sqlserver   mode: odbc   dsn: your_dsn_name_here   username: your_username_here   password: your_password_here

There is no need to use host or port parameter since we're using a DSN.

Ok, i'll try yours advice, i hope to do it... I will let you know :slight_smile:

Thank's Prinx