Hi all
I want to connect my app to MSSQL but when i type
rake db:migrate
an erro occured like this:
←[31mCould not find gem ‘odbc (>= 0, runtime)’ in any of the gem sources
listed in your Gemfile.←[0m
The error message is your answer. There is no “odbc” gem (at least, not hosted on any of the sources which I’m guessing is just the default of :rubygems for you). You can verify that rubygems.org doesn’t have a gem named “odbc” by visiting http://www.rubygems.org/ and doing a search for “odbc”.
You’ll get several resulting gems, but none of the gems are named (exactly) “odbc”.
Have you checked that user XXX/XXX can login to the server via an
alternative client? It seems an obvious thing to check, but you have
not told us that you have checked so the question has to be asked.
He means go use a tool that comes with SQL server or any other tool out there for connecting to databases and try to connect to you database. The error you got is pretty clear, you have the wrong user id and/or password. If you got this id and password from someone else (like a DBA) go back to that person and make sure they gave you a correct one.
No idea, sorry, I think you will have to talk to your system admin guy
or someone who knows about MSSQL server or perhaps ODBC. I don't
think It is a rails issue. Perhaps your NT user/password will work.
In the IronRuby section, it is mentioning that issue.
Eduardo Blumenfeld
Hi Eduardo
Yesssssssssss,That's it.That problem has been solved
Should i change Test and Protection block in my YML file?I'm facing
another Error about these two blocks
Thank you so much