OK, I've heard how easy RoR is and how quick it is to develop with ...
but why is it so obscure to find what it is I need to download to
install it?
I can't follow what I need to do from this initial message:
Source: Compile it yourself
Windows installer: Ruby, popular extensions, editor
OS X: Ships with broken Ruby, follow this guide
Do I need the source? What is the 'broken source'? Sounds bad to me.
Went into the Windows Installer and there are two files to downlaod -
an exe and a md5 - Do I need both of these? And then there is the
issue of RubyGems and perhaps a Rails install. Can anyone help me
here? Thanks in advance.
Thanks for your help! I'm sure the RoR download website could be a
little more helpful for us real newbies. Thanks for the extra info on
MySQL - I have that installed already so at least that's one hurdle I
don't need to negotiate
Thanks once again.