how can i get data from localhost:3000 in ruby on rails to heroku

Hi i’m new developer ROR .I have some question to ask? In my local machine i had input some data into database using SQLite3 .when i deployed it to heroku why i can’t get data that i input? i’m do like this

-in Gemfile group :development do gem ‘sqlite3’ end group :production do gem ‘pg’ gem ‘rails_12factor’ end -bundle install -heroku login -git init -git add . -git commit -m “test” -git create -git push heroku master -heroku run rake db:migrate

how can i get some data when i deployed it to heroku? please help me.

Because Heroku doesn’t use SQLite. It switched to Postgres database in the backend. Try to use Postgres DB in your development and production environments so you can backup your local database and restore it to Heroku database using pgAdminIII.

Login to Heroku to get database Connection Settings and follow this screenshot to connect to Heroku database using pgAdminIII: postgresql - Connect to a heroku database with pgadmin - Stack Overflow


Because Heroku doesn't use SQLite.

Uh, no. It's because the DB on the OP's development machine has nothing intrinsically to do with the DB on Heroku :slight_smile:

Try to use Postgres DB in your development and production environments so you can backup your local database and restore it to Heroku database using pgAdminIII.

Heroku has native functionality to transfer data (`heroku pg:push` and `heroku pg:pull`) if you're running Postgresql locally.