how can get data from localhost:3000 in ruby on rails to heroku

In my local machine i had input some data into database using SQLite3 .when i deployed it to heroku why i can’t get data that i input? i’m do like this

-in Gemfile group :development do gem ‘sqlite3’ end group :production do gem ‘pg’ gem ‘rails_12factor’ end -bundle install -heroku login -git init -git add . -git commit -m “test” -git create -git push heroku master -heroku run rake db:migrate

how can i get some data when i deployed it to heroku? please help me.

I don’t think you understand the concept of databases very well.

Look on google how to use the “seeds.rb” file. Maybe that will help

Here's one way to approach this. I have used this method before, and it worked really well.


Here's the current fork: GitHub - yamldb/yaml_db: Rails plugin for a database-independent dump format, data.yml .......... Seeking new maintainers! See
