Free software projekt seeking for help

Hey everyone,

I am the developer of ScopePort: A free remote monitoring server. Yes, another one. Please don't ask why there is a need for another remote monitoring server. Check the website of ScopePort or this blog post for the answer of your not asked question: :slight_smile: Thank you!

The Web Interface was initially written in PHP. As the needs were rising I PHP considered as not flexible or just good enough to fulfill my needs. This is why I recently decided to re-write the whole Web Interface with Rails. The Layout was ready so the development could start immediately. I already implement some controllers but I know that I need some support as soon as possible.

In this state of early development of the Web Interface (the server and clients are ready for a beta test but worthless without a Web Interface) we can even think about further structure and development because nothing has to stay as it is. I for myself am quite new to Rails so it's safe to say that there will be some things that should be changed. I need your experience here to keep our project flexible.

ScopePort is licensed under the terms of the GPL.

The Website of ScopePort: Repositories are hosted on

Thanks for your time and your interest in free software.

Best regards from Hamburg, Germany Lennart Koopmann

How can i help you?

Thanks for your reply!

I am needing help for almost everything related to the Web Interface. :slight_smile:

  • Generally forms to fill the database the server is reading and reading. A dashboard with the health values of monitored servers and services. All the data comes all from the database.

  • I have no login/user system yet. This is another very big point, too.

  • User definable overview screens where a user can put graphs and data. The stuff to display on big screens in the office. :wink:

I am working on a ToDo in the Wiki.