Seeking Knowledgeable Rails Programmer Willing to Exchange Guidance for Money

Apologies in advance if this is inappropriate to post here.

I am an Web Developer who primarily uses PHP. I've used Ruby for basic scripting stuff, so I'm familiar with the syntax, and have done some basic Rails Stuff (read that as, worked through part of pick-axe, played around with some scaffolding stuff, subscribed to this list, etc,)

Anyway, I just picked up a cool freelance project that I'm looking for some Rails guidance on. It's a cool project and I have a hunch that it would be slicker to do it in Rails then PHP or *gasp* ASP, what they're using now. It's not E-commerce or Ajaxy, lots of CRUD components to a simple CMS, with basic authentication and some forms.

It would be my first full blown Rails project, and I'm a little timid to go it alone. So, I'm looking for a trustworthy teacher, who'd be willing to help me (online, phone or in person) guide me.

I'm willing to pay for this obviously, hourly, in cash.

I'm not looking for somebody to do the work and me to get all of the credit. I believe I can write most of the modules individually, but want help architecting, and putting the whole thing together. I'm genuinely eager to learn, if you're willing to help.

I'm in New York, but you can be anywhere. Ideally we can talk first to see if I'm way over my head trying to do this, then help me out getting started on how all of the pieces get together. E-mail me ( if you are interesting/ willing to help me out and I'll provide more project details (All IA documents and xhtml/ css work has been done)

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Thanks again, looking forward to getting a jumpstart (and doing many more future projects in Rails)

- Tyler