Forthcoming Book: Professional Ruby On Rails

Everybody --

I'm excited to be able to announce the forthcoming publication of Professional Ruby On Rails, from Wrox Press. The book is intended to bridge the gap between a beginning tutorial and creating a solid professional application, including security, deployment, navigation, and project logistics. In addition, it has a very strong focus on unit and functional testing -- most of the code examples in the book are presented with sample tests and a discussion of testing practices.

The book is slated for release is early 2008, and is in progress as we speak. The ISBN number is 9780470223888. If you'd like to know more about the book and it's progress, I write about it on my blog at, and I've also added a Twitter feed where I tend to post about what I've done that day -- you can find that at

Thanks for your time,


If you are interested, the preorder from Amazon link just went up (full disclosure: this is an affiliate link):