[ADV] Mr. Neighborly's Humble Little Ruby Book is now available.

Hello everyone, Sorry for popping in like this with a commercial, but I've been busy trying to finish this project up.

I just finished up my Ruby book, which is the first of two volumes that will eventually grow into my Ruby/Rails book. It's a short (144 pages in all), learning Ruby book that walks you through the steps to learn Ruby from the basics to using XML-RPC and more.

It's available in print for $10 (I know, I know...I said $9 originally...but printing is expensive!) and eBook for $5.

You can check it out at http://www.humblelittlerubybook.com/ .


Jeremy, how come I haven't received my update notice ?


Because I hadn't sent it yet. :wink:

Sorry about that; I've been exhausted and busy with a lot of stuff the past few days. I got those notices sent and I'm working on getting something up on http://www.rubyonrailsbook.com/ about the new book.

Thanks, Jeremy

[I'm cross-posting this on the Rails and Ruby lists]

Hey everyone, Sorry for the extra traffic, but If you downloaded the eBook of my book, please go and do so again. I would've sent a direct e-mail, but the distribution site doesn't give me access to any sort of contact information.

Apparently, when I uploaded it, it messed up the PDF somehow. If you viewed it in Adobe, it was fine. Using evince, Foxit, or anything else crashed or just showed a whole lot of blank pages. I'm not sure what happened, but it should be fixed now. I should have used FTP from the start rather than their little interface, but what's done is done and its fixed. :slight_smile:

Thanks, Jeremy

Still no luck, I downloaded a new version at 3:00 CST. When I try to
open the document with Preview on OS X I get the book cover and pages
7,8,9,10,11 (which are all blank).

I opened the pdf with Acrobat Reader 7 and it says that the file is
damaged but is being repaired. It would sure be nice to open it up
with Preview since its a much better pdf reader in my opinion.



Argh, that's frustrating. I'm not sure what they do to it on there...I might upload it without covers tonight and try that. That seems to be the problem I think.

Thanks for letting me know. :slight_smile:



Are you talking about the rubyonrailsbook site ? I can't remember my password for the life of me, be nice to have a password reminder.


No; I'm using a different site for distribution. Please visit the actual book's website at http://www.humblelittlerubybook.com/ to see what I'm talking about.

I'm trying to find out about these "gift certificates" i could give out when I signed up with them, but as of yet they seem to be mystical beasts.


Oh so I need to wait to download it then , since I already purchased it off the old site ?


Yeah; sorry for not clarifying. :slight_smile: I'm trying to find out how to do something they told me I could when I signed up with them...if not, I'll put this eBook up on the other site and let you get it there.

I'll figure it out in the next few days and send out an e-mail.

Thanks, Jeremy