Is anyone else currently working their way through creating the depot
application in this book?
I am on Task D and thought it might be useful and fun to work together
on this. Sort of a study group.
Particularly on the 'PlayTime' assignments. I never did get the
playtime stuff from task C finished and now I am faced with the
playtime from Task D. Yikes!
I have MSN, Yahoo, and ICQ IM accounts if anyone is interested.
I'm also working my way through the book. I'm doubling my experience by
entering the stuff on my laptop and then a few days later repeating the
steps on my home pc -- just so it sinks into my head really well ;o)
I've complete Task B so far on my laptop and now I'm running into some
rake issues on my home pc towards the end of task A (AddTestData), and
I'm wondering why...
Anyways, know sure how we can run a study group online, but I'm willing
to try.
I am doubling my experience as well. Great minds think alike, eh?
As for a study group online, well, we could just exchange emails or IM
contact info for now. If we end up with quite a few people interested,
I could host a BBEdit bulletin board. What sounds most useful to you?
I finished Task A and B and would be glad to discuss them with you. I
am going to be awfully busy today, but
go ahead and post some details and I will get to them asap.
Thanks for your willingness!
I have a gmail account... beaudry.marc at, you guessed it, ''.
We could use the IM within gmail to chat (if you don't have a gmail
account, I can send you an invitation).