Does anyone develop on Mac and deploy on *BSD?

I have many questions…


Well ask them, but best one at a time so that threads do not become interleaved.


Yes. Deploy to FreeBSD, Apache2, Passenger Phusion and PostgreSQL


I’m totally clueless on how to get my finished app onto the NetBSD platform.

  • Do I re-install Rails, Ruby, etc manually or is there some automated way to deploy.

  • Do I need to tar up the Rails directory with my application and copy it over manually?

  • What about periodic updates?

  • What web server, etc do I need to run?

  • Do you suggest using something like Chef, etc to get the deployment environment setup?

  • When I turn off the ‘DEVELOPMENT’ flag, what is going to change regarding Rails? Is it going to expect the web server to serve up static assets?

How do I configure that?



Have you *ever* deployed a Rails app, or is this the first time? None of these questions are particular to *BSD, although there may be some specific answers. You should read up or follow some rails casts, etc. These questions are not hard to find answers to.