Display keys and values of a hash


I have a hash, represented by @hash. I want to display the keys and values of @hash in my view. I realize that if say one of keys was "ip_address" i could simple add this to my view: <%= @hash['ip_address'] %>. However! @hash changes...Thus I won't always have the same keys. I need a way to show key and values of a hash without specifically naming each key that I want in my view.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



This is a basic Ruby question. You might want to look into buying a primer on Ruby and learn the basics; it'll help you a lot.

<% @hash.each do |key, value| %>   <%=h "#{key.to_s} #{value.to_s}" %> <% end %>

You can iterate through hashes in many various ways, including sorting them:

<% @hash.keys.sort.each do |key| %>   <%=h "#{key.to_s} #{@hash[key]}" %> <% end %>

If these are controlled by someone not you (that is, submitted by the user) using <%=h ... %> ensures that any HTML contained within would not render directly into the page, but instead convert < into &lt; and so on. This is a basic security measure.



I have a hash, represented by @hash. I want to display the keys and values of @hash in my view. I realize that if say one of keys was "ip_address" i could simple add this to my view: <%= @hash['ip_address'] %>. However! @hash changes...Thus I won't always have the same keys. I need a way to show key and values of a hash without specifically naming each key that I want in my view.

Iterate over the hash with each ?


Thanks Michael!