view data in single line

Dear All,

I have some data in two variables. I can't merge those data into single variable.

For example:-

Profile hash contains some 50 key value pair. profile["name"] profile["image"]

Post hash also contains some 50 key value pair. Post["comment"] Post["Url"]

I want to display 1st record of profile and 1st record of post in same line.

Regards, Priya

Dear All,

I have some data in two variables. I can't merge those data into single variable.

For example:-

Profile hash contains some 50 key value pair. profile["name"] profile["image"]

Post hash also contains some 50 key value pair. Post["comment"] Post["Url"]

I want to display 1st record of profile and 1st record of post in same line.

What do you mean by 1st record of profile? Profile is a hash so does not have records.


Colin Law wrote in post #967377:

I believe hashes are not ordered so there is no such thing as the 1st key. You can use profile.each_pair to iterate through the keys, but which one you get first is not guaranteed.



Colin Law wrote in post #967382:

Yes of course, I had forgotten that.

So to answer the OPs question, how to show the first pair from each hash together, he could do <%= profile.keys[0] profile[ profile.keys[0] ] post.keys[0] post[ post.keys[0] ] %> obviously with some tidying up. Though I am not sure that is actually what he wants to do. Also if he is not using ruby 1.9 he may not get the results he expects.


Hi Guys,

Actually there is some attributes common to both the hashes, using that common attribute, i'm displaying the results. It works for me. Thank you very much for your help.

Thanks & Regards, Priya