Multidimensional dynamic Hash

OK I give up, how do I do this...

I have a DB that stores dynamic variables with I group into group_id's. For instance here are a couple examples of db rows:

title="name", description = "john", grouping_id = "1" title="location", description = "USA", grouping_id = "1" title="comment", description = "hello", grouping_id = "1"

title="name", description = "frank", grouping_id = "2" title="location", description = "CA", grouping_id = "2" title="comment", description = "hi", grouping_id = "2"

Sure I could create a DB with these columns, but for various reasons I'm doing it this way.

SO, how do I store all this information in a hash? I want end up looking something like this:

@vars = {:1 => { :name => "john", :location=>"USA", :comment=>"hello"}, :2=>{ :name => "frank", :location=>"CA", :comment=>"hi"} }

I tried this:

      @vars = { }       Mymodel.all.each do |a|             @vars["#{a.grouping_id}"] = { :"#{a.title}" => a.description }       end

But that only stores the last variable in each grouping ID

h = {}

model.each do |r| h[r.grouping_id] ||= {}

h[r.grouping_id][:name] =

h[r.grouping_id][:description] = r.description


Ahh beautiful.. part of your code didn't work with the || = but I did this:

      @vars = {}

      Model.all.each do |a|           if @vars[a.grouping_id] == nil             @vars[a.grouping_id] = {}           end           @vars[a.grouping_id][:"#{a.title}"] = a.description       end

Brent wrote:

OK I give up, how do I do this...

I have a DB that stores dynamic variables with I group into group_id's. For instance here are a couple examples of db rows:

title="name", description = "john", grouping_id = "1" title="location", description = "USA", grouping_id = "1" title="comment", description = "hello", grouping_id = "1"

title="name", description = "frank", grouping_id = "2" title="location", description = "CA", grouping_id = "2" title="comment", description = "hi", grouping_id = "2"

Sure I could create a DB with these columns, but for various reasons I'm doing it this way.

And those various reasons are...? In general, it's best to use a database for your data store.

SO, how do I store all this information in a hash? I want end up looking something like this:

@vars = {:1 => { :name => "john", :location=>"USA", :comment=>"hello"}, :2=>{ :name => "frank", :location=>"CA", :comment=>"hi"} }

I tried this:

      @vars = { }       Mymodel.all.each do |a|             @vars["#{a.grouping_id}"] = { :"#{a.title}" => a.description }       end

But that only stores the last variable in each grouping ID

You probably want an array of hashes, not a hash of hashes.
