Hash objects not display properly

Hello I m newbie in rails i create simple application which take data from user search in DB and show output but it not show properly it's show what i want plus it show whole hash elements which is i don't want. i am attaching output screen shot here

Here r my app files

Hello I m newbie in rails i create simple application which take data from user search in DB and show output but it not show properly it's show what i want plus it show whole hash elements which is i don't want. i am attaching output screen shot here

Here r my app files

============================ class SearchController < ApplicationController

def index @q=params[:q] end

def show @q=params[:q] @name = Frnd.find(:all, :conditions=>{:name=>@q}) # puts "name is "+@name.inspect end


index.html.erb ------------------ <CENTER><h1>Search Here</h1> <br> <%= form_tag :action =>"show"%> <%= text_field_tag "q",""%> <%= submit_tag "Go...."%> <br> </CENTER>

show.html.erb ------------------ <h1><%=@q%></h1> <br><br> <%= @name.each do |h|%>

You don't want <%= on the line above, that causes it to display the return value from the call. You just want <% @name.each do |h| %> so that it will run the code but not display the result of this line.


<h1><%=@q%></h1> <br><br> <%= @name.each do |h|%>

You don't want <%= on the line above, that causes it to display the return value from the call. You just want <% @name.each do |h| %> so that it will run the code but not display the result of this line.


Thanx u r god :wink:

I don't think I would quite that far, but I am glad to be of help
