Connect with MySql and Ruby

Hi everybody,    I am very new in Ruby on Rails. I install ruby(1.9.2p180) and Rails(3.1.3). Also I install RubyMine3.1.1 as IDE.     I successfully have done some simple simple practices. Now I want to play with database(mysql).Though I have checked so some of the URLs but unable to make out.      Please help me how to do that, what files or folders should I place and where should I place those. Please guide me.      Thanks in advance.

Hi everybody, I am very new in Ruby on Rails. I install ruby(1.9.2p180) and Rails(3.1.3). Also I install RubyMine3.1.1 as IDE. I successfully have done some simple simple practices. Now I want to play with database(mysql).Though I have checked so some of the URLs but unable to make out. Please help me how to do that, what files or folders should I place and where should I place those. Please guide me.

Do you mean you are trying to install a mysql server on your pc, or what? Please give more detail on exactly what you want to do. Also tell us which operating system you are using.


Colin Law wrote in post #1043229:

I don't know much about Windows, most Rails developers use Mac or Linux (often Ubuntu). However first you must check that your mysql server is working, presumably there is some way of accessing mysql from the command line to check it and to setup users and so on. Assuming you have already done this then setup the database details in database.yml and all should work.

Personally I advise people not to do Rails development Windows, but others do manage this. Either use a virtual machine running, for example, Ubuntu, using VirtualBox or VMWare or set your PC up to dual boot Windows and Ubuntu, which is very easy.

If you must use windows then I believe using railsinstaller is considered the best option at the moment.

Other than the above, if you have further problems while using Windows, I am afraid I will have to leave it to others to help.


Colin Law wrote in post #1043237: