Can't install file_column

Hi -

I just tried to install file_column and can't install it according to the original instructions anymore. The original instructions (at say to do this:

./script/plugin install

but there's no plugin program in my script directory anymore. I presume this is a change in rails 2.1, as I'm now using rails 2.1 and this install worked fine for another app I wrote using rails 2.0.2.


./script/plugin install

That's the command I used 2 days ago to install file_column in my project (Rails 2.1 used). After executing command, I have file_column plugin in my "vendor/plugins/" folder. I don't know what's the problem, but I believe it has nothing to do either with version of Rails, either with file_column plugin.

Hi Steve

Can you pls. mention if there is any error message that you are getting?

- Neeti

Can you pls. mention if there is any error message that you are getting?

None error messages. Only difference is that I tried to do that under Windows XP.

I just tried again to make sure everything is OK. Here's my output:

<quote> D:\projects\Ruby\TestApp>ruby script/plugin install + ./CHANGELOG + ./README + ./Rakefile + ./TODO + ./init.rb + ./lib/file_column.rb + ./lib/file_column_helper.rb + ./lib/file_compat.rb + ./lib/magick_file_column.rb + ./lib/rails_file_column.rb + ./lib/test_case.rb + ./lib/validations.rb + ./test/abstract_unit.rb + ./test/connection.rb + ./test/file_column_helper_test.rb + ./test/file_column_test.rb + ./test/fixtures/entry.rb + ./test/fixtures/invalid-image.jpg + ./test/fixtures/kerb.jpg + ./test/fixtures/mysql.sql + ./test/fixtures/schema.rb + ./test/fixtures/skanthak.png + ./test/magick_test.rb + ./test/magick_view_only_test.rb

D:\projects\Ruby\TestApp> </quote>

If you still have problems, write my your e-mail address and I can zip this TestApp I just made and send it to you.

There certainly should be a plugin file in the script folder whether you're on 2.0.2 or 2.1


Frederick Cheung wrote:

There certainly should be a plugin file in the script folder whether you're on 2.0.2 or 2.1

Thanks Frederick. Gotcha. I'm trying to install this plugin into a radiant app. Maybe Radiant got rid of the plugin program. I will be using rails_support to build my own extensions to this radiant app
so my rails app will use radiant pages.

Any suggestions on how I would install and use this plugin, given the above?

All script/plugin does is copy the plugin into vendor/plugins (and run
the install.rb if it's there)
