attachment_fu working locally but not on server

Hi, I'm trouble shooting a strange issue and was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction.

I installed attachment_fu as a plugin using instant rails 2.0.2 locally. Everything is working fine but when I moved this code to dream host it no longer works. If I look in my log on my local machine I see a call to a new action, I upload the photo or file ---> submit and I see the create action and a form post gets submitted and the photo is there. However, over on dream host, I see the new action get called but after I submit the file for upload it calls the index action and never loads the data to the table and stores the photo to the file system.

Any help would be appreciated. I've verified the gem Rmagick is local to my app and I recently added :processor =>'Rmagick' to my model. But that didn't solve the issue either.

For the benefit to others. The issue appears to be related to dream hosts apache config and the fact that attachment_fu writes the same model name say 'photos' for instance to the public directory. This was causing a redirect to index. The fix apparently is to modify the .htaccess file by adding this

DirectorySlash Off

or I haven't tried this yet but I saw that someone posted some code to add to the application.rb controller

def default_url_options(options) { :trailing_slash => true } end

also, here are some links I found on the topic