Problem using attachment_fu


I use attachment_fu plugin to upload a remote file to file system.

It works fine with IE, If we use fire fox its coming out to login page throwing a exception "Filter chain halted as [#<ActionController::Filters::ClassMethods::SymbolFilter:0xb559a28 @filter=:login_required>] rendered_or_redirected."

I use "acts_as_authenticated" plugin for authentication.

The reason i found is that its not taking the current user id from the session(Tried hardcoding the in login_from_session method at authenticated_system module its working fine).

Can some one help me in this issue.

Thanks, Ratnavel.

Can you post some code? Your create acion or something? Oli Ratnavel P S wrote:

Can you post some code? Your create acion or something? Oli

This is my save method where i create a image and upload.

def save_image     test_image = => params[:RemoteFile],:user_id => params[:user_id] )

    respond_to do |format|       if         format.html{render :text=>"Success"}       else         format.html{render :text=>"Sorry!,Failed"}       end     end   end

Its actually entering into the method and quiting back bcoz of authentication issue.

Any help in this regard???

Assuming you are using aaa for auth an you have a relationship set for

user has_many testimages and testimages belongs_to user, try this

def save_image       test_image = current_user.testimage.create params[:RemoteFile].merge(:user_id =>       respond_to do |format|         if           format.html{render :text=>"Success"}         else           format.html{render :text=>"Sorry!,Failed"}         end       end     end

Hope this helps

Oli Ratnavel P S wrote: