Anyone know a way to create html comments with the names of the views?

I work with a lot of designers. The question I get all the time is: Where is the template that displays xyz? I was thinking it would be nice if rails would print the name of each template it loads as an html comment like so:

<!-- LAYOUT: layouts/application.html.erb --> <html><head>etc..</head> <body> <!-- TEMPLATE: blog/index.html.erb --> <!-- TEMPLATE: blog/_side_bar.html.erb --> </body> </html>

Not having to answer these questions all day would really make my day. I poked around the rails code for a couple hours and don't see an obvious way. Does anyone have an idea on how to do this?


I work with a lot of designers. The question I get all the time is: Where is the template that displays xyz? I was thinking it would be nice if rails would print the name of each template it loads as an html comment like so:

Seems like you can do this by overriding render_template in template.rb. Seems like a fairly handy idea actually, when I have worked with designers that's definitely a question that has come up often!


NICE! It will be my next plugin! If nil? of course! :wink:


For now, I just slapped this in a file in lib and include it in environment.rb:

module ActionView   class Template     def render_template(view, local_assigns = {})       "<!-- TEMPLATE: #{self.template_path} -->\n" + render(view, local_assigns)     rescue Exception => e       raise e unless filename       if TemplateError === e         e.sub_template_of(self)         raise e       else         raise, view.assigns, e)       end     end   end end

Works in Rails 2.3 anyway. I'm sure there is a cleaner way, and it should probably be made into an environment specific config option. But I'm in a hurry right now.

Thanks for the pointer.

Use "<!-- TEMPLATE: #{self.load_path}/#{self.template_path} -->\n" instead to get the full path from RAILS_ROOT. Useful if you're pulling in views from plugins/engines.

For now, I just slapped this in a file in lib and include it in environment.rb:

For what it's worth i've pluginised this: GitHub - fcheung/tattler


Coming in late, but there's also this..

My designer works it out from the URL and routes file

Blog: Learn rails:

*plug-in-ized* and blogged! quick! :slight_smile:

I'm using it and it's cool, but it should probably check if any layout statement is present on the controller: if layout is nil then I probably don't need/want any comment in the template :slight_smile:

(found this with the :tex view of instiki clone)

thanks 4 the plugin!

I'm using it and it's cool, but it should probably check if any layout statement is present on the controller: if layout is nil then I probably don't need/want any comment in the template :slight_smile:

More precisely if what it's rendering isn't html it probably shouldn't be putting html comments in!
