about views problem!

Hi, everyone! I have a question. when I created a controller and a action like this:

class EverythingController < ApplicationController def index end

def findname content="here is test" render :text => content, :layout => false end .. end in other controller's .rhtml, I used <%= render_component :controller => "everything", :action => "findname" %>

so, Do I need create a template _findname.rhtml for findname action? I don't think I need it, because I just render content, not anything. but when I do function test, there is error: Misstemplate _findname.rhtml so I don't understand this error. who can tell me why? and how can fix it, Thanks!

Have a look at this article (and example code) which explains how to use & combine views, partials, and layouts.


-- gw

Hi, everyone! I have a question. when I created a controller and a action like this:

Hrm... not sure about your specific problem, but components won't be supported in Rails 2.0 which is just around the corner...

Might want to rethink what you're trying to do to use another method...

yes, I have looked this article. but I just want to know If I used "render :text =>" to render something view not whole page, Do I need create template?

No you don't need a view template if you are just rendering the text from an action.

You also don't need to specify :layout => false

just write render :text => content

Thanks! but I just write render :text => content when I do function test, there is Error. MissTemplate .... findname.rhtml so I am not sure where is wrong.