Views: comments for template and partial location in filesystem?

I'm looking for an extension (gem, plugin, whatever) that inserts comments like

<!-- begin partial app/views/things/_thing.html.erb --%> ... <!-- end partial app/views/things/_thing.html.erb --%>

around rendered templates (except in production env). A cursory search didn't bring up anything, but I may have chosen the wrong terms. It doesn't have to work for arbitrary template engines, ERB is enough.


Michael Schuerig wrote:

I'm looking for an extension (gem, plugin, whatever) that inserts comments like

<!-- begin partial app/views/things/_thing.html.erb --%> ... <!-- end partial app/views/things/_thing.html.erb --%>

around rendered templates (except in production env). A cursory search didn't bring up anything, but I may have chosen the wrong terms. It doesn't have to work for arbitrary template engines, ERB is enough.

You want Frederick Cheung's Tattler: GitHub - fcheung/tattler . I think it will work with any template engine; certainly I'm using it with Haml. I don't know if it works with Rails 3 yet.


-- Michael Schuerig Michael Schürig | Sentenced to making sense


Tattler doesn't work with Rails 3 anymore. This little bit of code, inspired by it, does.

unless Rails.env.production?   class ActionView::Template     def render_with_comment(*args, &block)       render_result = render_without_comment(*args, &block)       if mime_type.nil? || mime_type === [Mime::HTML, Mime::XML]         ("<!-- TEMPLATE: #{identifier} -->\n" +          render_result +          "\n<!-- ENDTEMPLATE: #{identifier} -->"         ).html_safe       else         render_result       end     end     alias_method_chain :render, :comment   end end
