I have been busy w/ learning Rails and building this semi-ecommerce
website as a test project for the last week and I I want to show it to
you guys... but where should I host it?
Looking around the web and in this group, here are the companies I
noticed and what ppl thought of them:
* bluehost.com
* heroku
* OCSsolutions - don't do git
* hostingrails.com - don't do git
* planet argon - don't do tech support (okay, they do, but it's crap)
* Engine Yard - I'm impressed but their prices are minimum $350/month
* Rails Machine -
* godaddy
* Slicehost.com - Starts at $20/month
Which one would you go for? I don't want to go for a full VPS or a
dedicated rails server yet ... which means I don't want to spend more
than $20/month hosting this thing... $35/month tops... since this is a
play project
I'm leaning towards Slicehost.com. What do you guys think?
I use Slicehost and really like it. But didn't you say you didn't want to go with a full VPS? Unless they have options I don't know about, you start with a fresh install of your favorite Linux distribution (from a list of course), and you build it the way you want it. It's your server and you have to do everything.
I'm very happy with A Small Orange, I have half a dozen sites there, (though none are high-traffic.)
Customer service is very fast. Two days before Christmas, at 9pm, I decided to put up a new a site. Before 10pm it was up and running and addressable.
And it only cost $25 for a year of hosting (on the "tiny" plan, which is perfect for play projects).
(that's a referrer link. Anything earned by it (100%) will go towards a local orphanage (which was the site I put up on the 23rd.)
I decided to go w/ Slicehost based on your recommendations. I think
it's a good deal but I wish they came pre-setup for ROR so I wouldn't
have to do all this configuring. I'm sure I'll love it once it's all
set up but for now, I am not the biggest fan... except for their
customer service... which seems to be very very reachable & helpful...
especially their chat.