We opened up registration for The Ruby Hoedown 2007 yesterday (to give our announce list subscribers first dibs ;)), so fire up your web browser and hit http://www.rubyhoedown.com/. There you can check out the amazing talk line-up, learn a little bit of info about a pre- conference charity workshop, sign up your S.O. for the accompanying event for significant others, and click that big 'ole "Register" button!
Here is our program:
Keynotes - Bruce Tate and Marcel Molina, Jr.
Ken Auer - Does Ruby Have a Chasm to Cross?
Ezra Zygmuntowicz - Exploring Merb
Andrea O.K. Wright - High Art on Top of Low-Level APIs: Building Games with Ruby
Jay Phillips - Next-Gen VoIP Development with Ruby and Adhearsion
Jared Richardson - Using C to Tune Your Ruby (or Rails) Application
With tickets going for only $100, and an attendance cap of 150, the Hoedown's going to sell out fast, so hop on over and grab your spot ASAP.
See you in August! The Ruby Hoedown Organizers