ActiveScaffold and partials

I was thinking of doing partials as I did in the simple Rails application I worked on today.

But, since I'm using ActiveScaffold, I didn't find any *.html.erb in the views folder of the Rails application that I need to make my partials!

How can I work with partials in ActiveScaffold?


I wrote a long answer about hour ago but i have a new phone and i think i didnt send it .

Activescaffold is a rails app in it self it only uses your model, if you go to the vendor/plugin folder you will see it sitting there it has its own controllers and views , thats why your app is empty and thats why i dont recommend it because is going to confuse you.

Active scaffold is used only in the admin section of the app.

Yes @radhames. I think especially as for me kind of still new RoR, I should go with learning and using RoR as is.


Watch the railscast about inherited_resources at

radhames brito wrote:

Watch the railscast about inherited_resources at

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Thanks @radhames.

I think the solution to that was using "references" as shown in the example below:

SW Engineer wrote:

I was thinking of doing partials as I did in the simple Rails application I worked on today.

But, since I'm using ActiveScaffold, I didn't find any *.html.erb in the views folder of the Rails application that I need to make my partials!

Right. ActiveScaffold is a plugin and has its own views folder (which you normally shouldn't mess with).

How can I work with partials in ActiveScaffold?

ActiveScaffold is essentially a simple database interface. Whatever you're doing with partials should not normally involve ActiveScaffold.

What are you trying to do here?



Thanks @Marnen.

I think my issue was solved by the simple example here:

What I was trying to do with partials is that I have an "items" and "itemdetails" tables, and "items" "has_many" "itemdetails", and wanted the "itemdetails" to be AT THE SAME page of the "item", since for each item, there are different "itemdetails".

And, my issue was solved when I inserted a column in "itemdetails", namley, "item" and gave it the type "references" as follows:


I think it acts like a foreign key, and is the same as saying:


in ordinary Rails, doesn't it?

Reagarding "references", I thought is was related to ActiveScaffold, but from here:

I was told it is pure Rails.

Information on "references" can be found here:
