I want to build a very simple application using ActiveScaffold, and just want to ask how can I begin with this.
The application simply does the following:
- Create item - Provide item details for each item
Using ordinary Rails, this can be done through partials (Based on Head First Rails book), such that each item is connected with the details.
For example, if I have an "item" called "Tea", I want to be able to give "price", "quantity", ...etc for this item/
The case is that this application may be used for tracking sales for example.
So, I need from time to time and maybe daily provide details for each item. So, I want to see the details that I enter as a list "index.html.erb" in the "Item" page (show.html.erb).
Can this be done using ActiveScaffold especially that I didn't figure how to do partials with ActiveScaffold.
But, if I can do partials, that will ease my task alot.