1.8.6 or 2.0 ?

Hi we are actually beginning a two-years project which will be developped in rails. Our developers dont know rails, they are learning it, but do you think its a better idea to begin with the 1.8.6 (with a lot of help on the web) and after migrate .... or begin with the 2.0 ?

I guess as long as you're starting up, it's tempting to just go with 2.0


1) most existing books don't cover it. 2) some plugins may need modifications to work.

Can someone point to a good repository of Rails 2 info. All the addition anf changes, migration issues, and particularly which popular plugins (attachment_fu, acts_as_taggable_on_steroids, restful_authentication etc) may have problems with it?

Hi there, sounds like you may be getting your Ruby and Ruby-on-Rails versions mixed up ! Regardless, I don't think you should be getting concerned with versions if you are just starting. A good grounding is required in Ruby and Ruby on Rails, then worry about versions. BTW: I'm curious, why would you commit to a 2 year project ( in Rails ) if your developers don't know it ? Seasoned RoR developers may argue that a 2 year project in anything else may equate to 3 or 4 months in RoR :)))) cheers, DaveP

I recommend going with Ruby 1.8.6 and Rails 2.0.2.

Michael Slater www.BuildingWebApps.com

Bensoussan Michael wrote:

Start with the newest version of Rails possible. By the time you deploy, version 3 will probably already be out :stuck_out_tongue: