Hi all,
I have added a GEvent to a google map with a JS calback and it works fine, but I do need to get some way of returning the values to rails, so I can add the new marker to an array.
For that, I need some kind of listener, call a ruby function, something like that.
The code is as follows:
def index @map = GMap.new("map_div") @map.control_init(:large_map => true) @map.center_zoom_init ([ 59.91106, 10.72223],16) @map.overlay_init(GMarker.new([59.91122, 10.72217], :title => "1.1"))
@map.event_init(@map,:click,"function(overlay,point) { if (overlay) { map.removeOverlay(overlay); document.getElementById(\"latitude\").value=null; document.getElementById(\"longitude\").value=null; } else { map.addOverlay(new GMarker(point)); document.getElementById(\"latitude\").value=point.y; document.getElementById(\"longitude\").value=point.x; } }")
Thanks in advance, hugo