Problems with Google Maps

Hello everybody,

I'm working with Google Maps and i want to display a map for an event that i have in my aplicaction.

When I clik on the link to view the map the bwroser show me the next fail:

NoMethodError in Conclave/events#map

Showing vendor/plugins/tog_conclave/app/views/conclave/events/ map.html.erb where line #5 raised:

undefined method `to_html' for nil:NilClass

Extracted source (around line #5):

2: <%= GMap.header %> 3: </head> 4: <body> 5: <%= @map.to_html %> 6: <%= @map.div(:width => 550, :height => 350) %> 7: </body>

This link appear in anothe view like this:

<li>Dirección: <%= link_to @event.venue, map_conclave_event_path(@event), :popup => [@event.venue, 'width=600,height=400']

and in the controller i have the next code:

def show     generate_map end

  def map     generate_map   end


    def generate_map       return if !@event.venue_address || @event.venue_address == ''       loc = gg.locate @event.venue_address       @map ="map_div_id")       @map.control_init(:large_map => true, :map_type => true)       @map.center_zoom_init([loc.latitude, loc.longitude],14)       marker =[loc.latitude,loc.longitude],                :title => @event.title,                :info_window => (@event.venue_address ? loc.address : "#{loc.address} *specified address unknown"))       @map.overlay_init(marker)

    rescue       @map = nil     end

So i want to know what is the problem?

Can anyone help me?

Thanks for you help.

Hello everybody,

I'm working with Google Maps and i want to display a map for an event that i have in my aplicaction.

When I clik on the link to view the map the bwroser show me the next fail:

NoMethodError in Conclave/events#map

Showing vendor/plugins/tog_conclave/app/views/conclave/events/ map.html.erb where line #5 raised:

undefined method `to_html' for nil:NilClass

Extracted source (around line #5):

2: <%= GMap.header %> 3: </head> 4: <body> 5: <%= @map.to_html %>

The error is saying that @map is nil

6: <%= @map.div(:width => 550, :height => 350) %> 7: </body>

This link appear in anothe view like this:

<li>Dirección: <%= link_to @event.venue, map_conclave_event_path(@event), :popup => [@event.venue, 'width=600,height=400']

and in the controller i have the next code:

def show generate_map end

def map generate_map end


def generate_map return if !@event.venue_address || @event.venue_address == '' loc = gg.locate @event.venue_address @map ="map_div_id") @map.control_init(:large_map => true, :map_type => true) @map.center_zoom_init([loc.latitude, loc.longitude],14) marker =[loc.latitude,loc.longitude], :title => @event.title, :info_window => (@event.venue_address ? loc.address : "#{loc.address} *specified address unknown")) @map.overlay_init(marker)

rescue @map = nil

Could it be doing this?

You could use ruby-debug to break into your app and see what is happening. Have a look at the Rails Guide on Debugging.


What are you using to work with google maps?

Did you tried go_maps?

No i'm using google-geocode

No i'm using googl-geocode and ym4r-gm