Can Anybody Tell How to do Google Map Mashup???


I am using rails 2.2.2 , n want to mashup google map with mysql 5.0 database, can anybody please tell me this step by step???


Check out Andre Lewis’ blog for information about his Geokit plugin for Rails - .

As for step by step instructions, it depends on the data set you’re mashing.

Hello !!!

Thanks for your help..but I was reffering that code only... but was geeting errrors as follows:

1.uninitialized constant : XMLRPC error

2. You have a nil object when you didn't expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occurred while evaluating nil.each

Extracted source (around line #27):

24: map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl()); 25: map.centerAndZoom(new GPoint(-122.443882, 37.769079), 5); 26: 27: <%@places.each do |place|%> 28: var point = new GPoint(<%=place[:longitude]%>,<%=place [:latitude]%>); 29: var marker = createMarker(point,'<div><%=h place [:description]%></div>') 30: map.addOverlay(marker);

so will you please tell me how to solve them???

Besides geokit, you could also investigate ym4r [*]. I personally started with it but dropped it and wrote all the javascript manually.



I’m not exactly sure what might be causing the first error you mention here, but the second one seems to be the result of the @places array not being initialized by the controller.

I’m not exactly sure what might be causing the first error you mention here, but the second one seems to be the result of the @places array not being initialized by the controller.