wkhtmltopdf and CID fonts

Hi Everybody,

I am trying to create PDF in the Rails application using PDFKit and wkhtmltopdf (and Debian). Everything works fine, except generated PDF file contains so called CID fonts. To check PDF fonts I used Foxit Reader or Acrobat Reader. However I have to send generated PDF to legacy system that doesn't support such fonts... I haven't found a way to force wkhtmltopdf to output PDF with non-CID fonts. Does anyone know if it is possible at all?

Any help is much appreciated!


Hi Everybody,

I am trying to create PDF in the Rails application using PDFKit and

wkhtmltopdf (and Debian). Everything works fine, except generated PDF

file contains so called CID fonts. To check PDF fonts I used Foxit

Reader or Acrobat Reader.

However I have to send generated PDF to legacy system that doesn’t

support such fonts…

I haven’t found a way to force wkhtmltopdf to output PDF with non-CID

fonts. Does anyone know if it is possible at all?

I am not sure, but having wrestled with wkhtmltopdf on other issues, one question is which version of wkhtmltopdf do you have installed? There is a version(last time I checked) which is a static binary with a patched QT. For me I had to install this to get certain rendering to work, and also for it to work on Ubuntu Server. I am wondering if possibly this might help, although is more like a shot in the dark. I wrote a post on this which may help if you do want to install the static binary, as for me it was not completely straight-forward: http://blog.structuralartistry.com/post/2327213260/installing-wkhtmltopdf-on-ubuntu-server

David Kahn wrote in post #980319: