Generating a PDF using popen and wkhtmltopdf

As described on wkhtmltopdf Google group (Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.), I have a problem generating a PDF while using popen and wkhtmltopdf.

wkhtmltopdf takes HTML code as input and ouputs a PDF file. Here is what I'm doing:

    command = '"C:\Program Files\wkhtmltopdf\wkhtmltopdf.exe" - - -q'     IO.popen(command, 'r+') do |f|

      # Writing the html previously rendered in a string       f.write(html_output)       f.close_write

      # Reading the ouput and closing       pdf = f.readlines       f.close

      # Returning the pdf data       pdf


This code results in a corrupted PDF file. I checked the PDF itself which shows some differences with a valid PDF file, like some missing closing tags (endstream) - but I'm not an expert of that format.

Well, my question is the following: am I doing it wrong, using a wrong method, missing something, or wkhtmltopdf is more likely to be the problem?

I attached the corrupted file.

If you have a look at it, you'll notice that a PDF EOF symbol is there, which tends to say that the generation was not interrupted in any way.

Any idea?

Thanks for your help!

- Nicolas


(reposted due to typo... )

Hi Nicolas,

Whenever I generate pdfs from a rails app using wkhtmltopdf (or princexml), I usually call wkhtmltopdf using an app_url (ie wkhtmltopdf hits the web app to get the html/css/imgs/... to be used to gen the pdf), something like the following:

  # in some controller ....   require 'timeout'   ..   TIMEOUT_SECS = 5   ...   def gen_pdf     app_url = .... # the url to gen the pdf from.     fname = .... # the name of the resulting pdf.     ftype = "application/pdf"                # combat shell injection?     app_url = app_url.to_s.gsub(/["'\s`$;><&\|\(\)\\\[\]]/, '')     s = nil                # valid url?     unless (app_url =~ URI::regexp).nil?       begin         timeout(TIMEOUT_SECS) do                # gen pdf from url.           s = `wkhtmltopdf -q "#{app_url}" -`.chomp         end       rescue Exception => e         ... # log, render/redirect err msg, ...       end     end                # invalid pdf?     if not s.to_s =~ /^%PDF/       ... # log, render/redirect err msg, ....     end     send_data(s, :type=>ftype, :filename=>fname); return   end   ...


Thanks for your answer Jeff. I'll give it a try in my own app and see whether it's working or not. I'll keep you posted!


- Nicolas