i use will_paginate the first page come true but all other page get the same data of first page i checked in controller "page" parameter works true but paginate get only first page's data and shows these data in all pages forexample first page seen A,B second page also seen A,B but second page must be C,D my code is;
controller :
@list = Company::Env.paginate :page => params[:page],:conditions => ['CODE = ?', code], :per_page => 2
view :
<%if @list != nil and @list.size != 0%> <% for l in @list%>
<tr class="table-row" > <td class="collection-table-text"> <%= l.CODE %> </td> </tr> <% end%> </table> <%= will_paginate @list%> <% end%>
i use rails 2.3.2 jruby 1.3.1 will_paginate 2.2.2
thank you