Anybody else having trouble with I've been
getting 503s since yesterday
It’s very flaky. It happens to me too.
In my opinion, this system needs a drastic overhaul. Many of the pages on there are out of date or not "in the spirit" of a wiki, and with the constant downtime it's going to give newcomers the feeling that Rails isn't all that good, since they can't keep their own wiki up for more than a day at a time. So, is there anybody out there that wouldn't mind spending some of their time to clean up / update the articles on the wiki so we have a very good place to link people's common queries to? I'm all for it myself.
Back up now. Mongrels were down. I have access to the server, so I restarted and put it on my montastic list.
From what I understand, this is an old setup that isn't getting
improved because there was an effort to move to something else.
Someone (else) should look into that and see what the status is
-- Chad
Chad, would it be that much effort to switch the entire setup to Passenger, or is that not a possibility? Can you provide information on how the server is set up?
The new setup is still in the works, hopefully coming very soon. It stalled a bit because I got busy.
I'm not sure if someone else picked it up and took it forward or not. I had exported the data from the previous setup and pruned the pages down by hand to about 1/10th their current volume after removing the spam, "About (random person)" pages, and severely out of date pages.
So, hopefully if I can scrape out time I can get it finished off. I need to integrate some patches into the wiki system we're using and it should be set afaik.
The current instiki instance crashed in a few hours. I restarted it this time, but if it is this unstable, "someone" should look at moving forward with the alternative.
Tailing the log shows a sick amount of spam. I previously coordinated
with the core team to help out with sysadmin and I have server access.
Unfortunately, I don't have any bandwidth to help with the wiki
migration, other than being in the loop on basic sysadmin and
monitoring. I already volunteered to get the CI going again, and I
need to get to work on that
Feel free to include me into any related threads, though. There is already a project established in the Rails basecamp for system administration tasks, or it could be on lighthouse, or???
-- Chad
Chad, would it be that much effort to switch the entire setup to Passenger, or is that not a possibility? Can you provide information on how the server is set up?
I've been talking with the guys at phusion and they'll hopefully be moving us out of the dark ages in a short while.
me too.
Chad Woolley wrote:
Anybody else having trouble with I've been getting 503s since yesterday
Back up now. Mongrels were down. I have access to the server, so I restarted and put it on my montastic list.
down again
How difficult would to be to write a script that logs in and starts things back up everytime it goes down? Even if it had to be initiated by hand everytime, it would be a sort of stop-gap until the new wiki is up.
Thanks, Tim
That would involve setting up monit or god. That is the call of the core team, but I would think they should focus on moving it rather than band-aiding the current broken system.
Looks like the wiki got moved and is much better now. However, it still goes down daily, but comes back up soon, not sure why. I'm taking it off my monastic monitoring list so I don't get spammed, let me know if you need my help anymore...
-- Chad