Which select?

Hi All,

I want to create a select list on a form with an array of dates from a DB similar to this.

The date is used to search another DB for documents to edit.

Which if any of the selects would be best for this and

allow what has been selected to be marked as selected

until the choice is changed.

I have been using but never get the selected item to stick:

<%= select_tag(:pubdate, options_for_select(@pubdates, :selected=>@pubdate)) %>

Thanks for any hints/references/etc

leave out ":selected =>" and it ought to work

<%= select_tag(:pubdate, options_for_select (@pubdates, @pubdate)) %>


Tried it this morning but still won’t add the selected to the item choosen.

Thanks for the quick rely



I poked around and don't know if it is a bug or feature ;-).

This works correctly: <%= select_tag(:mydate, options_for_select( %w{ 2007-08-22 2007-08-29
2007-09-05 }, params['mydate'])) %> Chosen item is selected when form is submitted

But this will not:

@pubdates is an array of dates from the DB same as above @pubdates = Pubdates.find(:all, :order=>"pubdate").map {|u|
[u.pubdate] }

<%= select_tag(:pubdate, options_for_select(@pubdates, params ['pubdate'])) %>

Any insight into making this work is appreciated

This works correctly: <%= select_tag(:mydate, options_for_select( %w{ 2007-08-22 2007-08-29 2007-09-05 }, params['mydate'])) %> Chosen item is selected when form is submitted

But this will not:

@pubdates is an array of dates from the DB same as above @pubdates = Pubdates.find(:all, :order=>"pubdate").map {|u| [u.pubdate] }

<%= select_tag(:pubdate, options_for_select(@pubdates, params ['pubdate'])) %>

Any insight into making this work is appreciated

you're using 'mydate' in the first example, but 'pubdate' in the second


I was using a different name to put a second select for testing.

What I found was that ActiveRecord maps the list of dates to a

different data type than the params that it is comparing to(this is a guess).

What ended up working for me was casting what was returned from

the DB to a string(I am a little green so I am not sure why this worked).

The solution was:


@pubdates = Pubdates.find(:all, :order=>“pubdate”).map {|u| [u.pubdate.to_s] }


<%= select_tag(:pubdate, options_for_select(@pubdates, params[‘pubdate’])) %>

Now the chosen date is selected when the form is submitted and rendered again.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction


What I found was that ActiveRecord maps the list of dates to a different data type than the params that it is comparing to(this is a guess).

yes, if you store that field in the db as date or datetime, AR will return it as a Date object. AR will return the column's data cast to the appropriate ruby type. i'm pretty sure all form params will be strings by default.