Form 'select' question

Hi, I'd like to make a select element in a form which has the names of months for the user to select, but sends numeric values for each month when the form is submitted.

At the moment I have something like this:

<%= select_tag(:month, options_for_select(%w{ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 }, @params[:month])) %>

But I'd like it to display the month names instead of the numbers. Any ideas?

Thanks Henry

Ok, I've figured out how to do that, so ignore that last message, but I now have another harder problem! The calendar I'm using displays the current month when the page is loaded and the month can be changed using the select element. However I can't get the select element to show the current month when the page loads. This is my controller code:

class CalendarController < ApplicationController

  before_filter :year, :month

  def index     if @params[:month] == nil && (@params[:year]) == nil       @params[:month] = @month       @params[:year] = @year     end   end


  def year     @year =   end

  def month     @month =   end


/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// And my view template:

      <%=         calendar(:year => @params[:year].to_i, :month => @params[:month].to_i, :first_day_of_week => 1) do |d|           link_to d.mday, :action => 'day_detail', :id => d.mday         end       %>

      <%= form_tag(:action => :index) %>

        <%= select_tag(:month, options_for_select([["Jan", "1"], ["Feb", "2"], ["Mar", "3"], ["Apr", "4"], ["May", "5"], ["Jun", "6"], ["Jul", "7"], ["Aug", "8"], ["Sep", "9"], ["Oct", "10"], ["Nov", "11"], ["Dec", "12"]], @params[:month])) %>         <%= select_tag(:year, options_for_select(%w{ 2006 2007 }, @params[:year])) %>         <%= submit_tag("Ok") %>

      <%= end_form_tag %>

      <%= @params[:year] %>       <%= @params[:month] %>


@params[:month] is set to the current month if there has been nothing sent to it by the form. The calendar displays the correct month, as does <%= @params[:month] %> at the bottom. Why does my select list not showw the correct month?


Have you thought about using one of the Rails built in functions?