i have just installed ror on ubuntu (trying my hand on ubuntu). which editor is good that i can use thanks
if you want something with gui, try emacs. If you want something hardcore, use vim.
I use Netbeans when on Ubuntu
jEdit and Komodo Edit (free, not Komodo IDE) are both good. Also both available for Windows if you still use that.
gem install redcar
Use vim. You wont need anything else once you learn vim. It is also customizable for what ever you need it to do. Everything else is for children.
Try jEdit or Emacs.
So before sweeping your broad-brush, you might be well served to discover if the OP is a child... :-/
Nobody else can really say what the right editor is for you, they can only tell you what works for them. You should really think of what you want and need from your editor to make a decision.
I personally am a big fan of Vim, because: - It's available on most platforms - It's customizable (not just syntax highlighting and such, also scripting and addons and such) - It puts a focus on using your keyboard rather than your mouse - It's free
Even if I use redcar after netbeans dropped rails support, I would recommend to use vim at least once in a while, it is a powerful and relative easy to use tool for the commandline when applying a quick hack via ssh.
Top posted from android
I agree with Mark. I’ve used many editors over the years. I like Vim because it is offers many benefits to the experienced user. I tried to pickup Vim earlier and had very little success. My recent attempts have been much more promising but Vim is challenging. If you want to use Vim then you will need to spend some serious time reading the help documentation. Best advice for Vim is learn to love Normal Mode.
I like RedCar very much because it is very similar to TextMate which is my all time fav editor when using my Mac. But everytime I run it, seems to suck out all resources and the system becomes very very slow. I tried seeing the memory usage from the 'top' and it says redcar uses so much RAM. I tried UltraEdit(trial version) and Geany, both work very fine.
UltraEdit has the tree view file browser which is very helpful when working with any framework like RoR,but it is not free. Geany has File Browser as a plugin, but it breaks many times that I got bored to see the issue of WHY. I am trying Komodo Edit now. But if anyone knows an editor that has tree based file viewer in itself and not as a plugin please let me know. And yeah, it should be free.
Redcar is still young its version is 0.1.
My personal choice is gEdit…its simple, and you can add simple things like syntax highlighting, word completion etc. I don’t like using IDE’s like Komodo Edit, Netbeans for Rails…its better if you type them yourself in the console.
Rest, its a personal choice.
I believe it's already been mentioned: jEdit (http://jedit.org/)
It's free and extremely configurable/extensible.
I like gedit text editor which is a standard accessory with Ubuntu. No problems in 2 years of constant use. NetBeans is a slow pig.
Beware of friends (software) that tries to be too friendly,
I totally recommend you to use Vim, specially the GUI version, there is a lot of great plugins that increase the usability and the power of the editor so much, it's really great
I leave you a link to my github vim repository, there are my customizations so it'll be easier for you have a great configuration in Vim
… But if anyone knows an editor that has
tree based file viewer in itself and not as a plugin please let me
know. And yeah, it should be free.
I believe it’s already been mentioned: jEdit (http://jedit.org/)
It’s free and extremely configurable/extensible.
Hassan Schroeder ------------------------ hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
twitter: @hassan
I totally recommend you to use Vim, specially the GUI version,
there is a lot of great plugins that increase the usability and the
power of the editor so much, it’s really great
Yeah, I just left TextMate for vim. I almost ditched it after the first day, but after the second day I won’t go back to Textmate. If you do it make sure you check out FuzzyFinder and NerdTree. Once you can get files open then you can use the mouse/visual mode until you get more commands down. I am finding it quite fun to use.
With vim I can't open an entire directory to browse, for example if I want to edit the files of a rails project I have to open file one by one, instead with redcar I can open the directory and see the entire rails project tree.
… But if anyone knows an editor that has
tree based file viewer in itself and not as a plugin please let me
know. And yeah, it should be free.
I believe it’s already been mentioned: jEdit (http://jedit.org/)
It’s free and extremely configurable/extensible.
Hassan Schroeder ------------------------ hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
twitter: @hassan
I totally recommend you to use Vim, specially the GUI version,
there is a lot of great plugins that increase the usability and the
power of the editor so much, it’s really great
I leave you a link to my github vim repository, there are my
so it’ll be easier for you have a great configuration in Vim
With vim I can’t open an entire directory to browse, for example if I
want to edit the files of a rails project I have to open file one by
one, instead with redcar I can open the directory and see the entire
rails project tree.
Try the NERDTree plugin – works great for this.