Damn, that Tom Allison is truly psycho. Who flies off the handle like that over something as trivial as email? Only sociopaths. I'm sure Tom Allison also has a long history of road rage, getting in fights, and spousal abuse (if God forbid somebody would actually marry him), child abuse, etc. GET HELP NOW, TOM ALLISON. Wow, scary.
Who is the idiot who migrated everyone to this list?
I don't even know where this shit came from!!
It comes from you signing up for the Rails mailing list that was then migrated to Google Groups.
It's certainly not any migrating mailing list -- I'm
still receiving email from
that list and quite frankly if they are moving to
googlegroups then I'm out. I
have no desire for Google to do any more HARVESTING
of my life then they do already
Okay. Bye!
This is insane and stupid.
This is the actions of a marketing fuck-head and not
someone with half a wit in
their heads. If it isn't some marketing dweeb then
you should consider a career
Dang, you're right. I'll drop out of all this Rails stuff right away. I'm glad you made me aware of my inadequacies.
I'm really fucking pissed.
You might consider anger management, then. If you can get "really fucking pissed" over something this trivial, I'm not sure its healthy to operate in this world without counseling.