Weird bug with date_select

Hi Folks,

I'm having such a weird problem with the DateHelper. Here is how I'm using it, from the view:

<p><label x.r="extended_profile_birth_date">Birth date</label><br/> <%= x.date_select(:birth_date, :start_year => 1900) %></p>

x is the variable that is being yield from a fields_for.

There are more fields in the same form, and they work just perfect.

When I try to submit the form, I get a ActiveRecord::MultiparameterAssignmentErrors in UsersController#edit

And here is the page source I got in the browser:       <p><label x.r="extended_profile_birth_date">Birth date</label><br> <select name="extended_profile[birth_date(1i)]"> <option value="1900">1900</option> <option value="1901">1901</option> <option value="1902">1902</option> <option value="1903">1903</option> ... </select>

<select name="start_year1900prefixextended_profile[birth_date(2i)]discard_typetrueorderyearmonthday[month]"> <option value="1">January</option> <option value="2">February</option> <option value="3">March</option> ... </select>

<select name="extended_profile[birth_date(3i)]"> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> ... </select> </p>

If you look carefully, you're going to see that the select tag for month is with a very wierd name, wich is: <select name="start_year1900prefixextended_profile[birth_date(2i)]discard_typetrueorderyearmonthday[month]">

And the year and date fields are just ok!

Any tips?


Hey guys... Does someone can give a hand here?

Hi, Pls have a look on this link..Will get a slution for your problem.

I have already seen that page... It didn't help, because the date is correct, the problem is the formation of the html tag.

Any other tip, please?