Webmail Apps in RoR

Recently started looking for a webmail client written using ruby and rails. Have not had much luck with google. Only one that shows up thus far has been mailr but that site has a python error on it.

Does anyone here know of one or shall I just bite the bullet and build one?

Recently started looking for a webmail client written using ruby and rails. Have not had much luck with google. Only one that shows up thus far has been mailr but that site has a python error on it.

Does anyone here know of one or shall I just bite the bullet and build one?

It's not Rails, but unless you want to build one, take a look at roundcube. Pretty slick app.

Probably not exactly what you want, but Joyent Connector has been open sourced and it includes a mail client. Might be worth a look.


Cheers, Jord

+1 for roundcube - although I’ve just been thinking about switching to google mail for my domain.

Might be something you want to look into.

Ill look into that. Thanks.


Already tried pitching Google. Was denied quite quickly saying it was not an option. Don’t really know why though.


Richard Hancock wrote:

Already tried pitching Google. Was denied quite quickly saying it was not an option. Don't really know why though.

Perhaps they didn't like the idea of having your email stored on a 3rd party site.

1st, its not my email. 2nd, its going on a third party site regardless…just one we have a little more control over me thinks.


Thanks for the reply. Ill pass it on to my client.