Using PostgreSQL with RoR on windows. Help!

So I just got involved in a huge team project with RoR and PostgreSQL. But I can't find anywhere on the internet to find a proper way to put them together. I did find one but it is for iOS :-/

I have them both installed and the gem package for postgres also. the database.yml is already configured. I just don't know where to go from here. any help would be great thanks.

You say you have them installed, but don’t know where to go next? What is it you’re missing? Postgres, from a RoR perspective, isn’t any different than sqlite or mysql. You use migrations and ActiveRecord in the same way.

Perhaps you can be more specific about what you’re trying to do, and where you are having troubles.

Greg Akins wrote in post #1077000:


Are you saying you don't know how to start a Rails app?

Sounds like a basic tutorial would be a good place to begin.

Hassan Schroeder wrote in post #1077004:

Okay, all I am trying to do is get the web app for the project to start.

Are you saying you don't know how to start a Rails app?

Sounds like a basic tutorial would be a good place to begin.

-- Hassan Schroeder ------------------------ Hassan Schroeder | twitter: @hassan

i mean i know the very basic, which is to just type in rail s. All i've done with rail is start a web app without a db. I don't know anything about creating a db and then migrating but I think theres something else that has to be done prior to it. I was told to use the following commands, but since I'm using a windows I cant use these commands

postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres psql theprojectname CREATE ROLE cstarleague PASSWORD 'secret' LOGIN SUPERUSER; and then migrate the db

i mean i know the very basic, which is to just type in rail s. All i've done with rail is start a web app without a db. I don't know anything about creating a db and then migrating

Then you need to learn that first.

I was told to use the following commands, but since I'm using a windows I cant use these commands

postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres

Do you understand what that command does? If so, you should have no problem adapting it to your environment. Though if the rest of the developers are using *nix systems, you would probably be better off following their lead. :slight_smile:

Good luck.

Hassan Schroeder wrote in post #1077008:

This isn’t Rails… it’s basic Postgres for 1) Starting the server, 2) using the commandline tool for executing database commands (SQL) and 3) creating a user that will be specified in the database.yml

If you can’t get this far, you need to start with a Postgres for Windows tutorial.

sigh this is becoming a huge hassle. the rest of the developers are

using nix or a mac. why does it matter if i use a windows or a nix?

Because RoR on Windows is painful. It just doesn’t seem to be supported as well. You can do it, lots of people have; but most people doing RoR seem to be using Linux or Mac OS X. And all the advice, tutorials and help from your fellow developers are going to be biased in that direction.

postgres -D starts up postgres right?

Yep; though on Windows Postgres can be installed as a Service that is started through Windows Service Manager much like other Windows processes that are meant to run in the background.