Hi there, I've been trying for a few hours now to get RoR and postgresql
talking - but I'm very confused about what's going on (I'm running
windows btw).
I haven't created a database in postgresql (I'm assuming that RoR will
do that?)
my database.yml looks like this:
When I created my rails app, I put a flag -d postgresql
I have installed different database adapters (ruby-postgres,
activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter, postgres-pr). I've tried writing
adapter: postgresql in the .yml file.
But when I try to run the server (ruby script/server), I get the
following error msg:
nection': Please install the postgresql adapter: `gem install
resql-adapter` (no such file to load -- pg) (RuntimeError)
I try what this msg says, but it doesn't work, it just says this:
G:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\test>gem
install ac
ERROR: could not find gem activerecord-postgresql-adapter locally or in
a repos
I'm guessing that RoR has a postgresql database driver installed, and
that the gems are acting as database adapters?
Any help you can give me will be soooo appreciated - I'm really keen to
learn RoR, but it's these little things(Installation) that are holding
me back.
Louis I use postgres with rails and I'll give you some tips
rails doesn't create databases for you out of the box (as far as I
know.) You need to create the databases yourself, or write some code
in your app to create them for you.
Installing the postgres driver on windows is tricky. There exists no
actively supported driver for windows. The ruby-pg project doesn't
build on windows (at least not reasonably easily), ruby-postgres is
inactive. postgres-pr compatibility was broken recently in edge rails
and is unlikely to ever be restored as postgres-pr is inactive. If
you are using rails installed via rubygems, you can install
postgres-pr but at some future release of rails this will fail.
To install it do: gem install postgres-pr
If it still complains after that do: gem install postgres
Then you should be set... for now.
That is probably the best way to start, but eventually you will want
to be using ruby-postgres instead. The trick to getting that driver
working is to copy 2 dll files to your c:\ruby\bin folder from your
C:\program files\posgresql\lib folder. I think these 2 files are
libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll
If those aren't the correct files, there are several blog articles out
there that mention which dll's have to be copied over.
I can tell you from personal experience that using postgresql with
rails is a major pain in the ass. I've found so many nasty bugs
involving posgresql in activerecord. It sounds as if you don't know
what you're doing at all yet, in which case I'd advise just using
mysql instead until you're more comfortable. Do you have a good
reason for using postgresql?
I'm curious if you can be more detailed on the bugs you've found with
ActiveRecord involving PostgreSQL. I've used PostgreSQL with Rails
for several projects and have had only 1 problem relating to using
"infinity" with timestamps that was in fact rather easy to work
around. I've used ActiveRecord's finders, find_by_sql, and even
direct SQL execution and retrieving results from all of those.
All of these cost me valuable hours of my time, and there's been some
postgresql related bugs I haven't bothered to report and am too lazy
to go find my monkey patches and modifications to my local rails
repository to list them. There's been periods of time where I've
spent more of my time debugging activerecord code than working on my
That is probably the best way to start, but eventually you will want
to be using ruby-postgres instead. The trick to getting that driver
working is to copy 2 dll files to your c:\ruby\bin folder from your
C:\program files\posgresql\lib folder. I think these 2 files are
libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll
If those aren't the correct files, there are several blog articles out
there that mention which dll's have to be copied over.
Yeah - can't see those dll's. Anyway, I'm using netbeans now for Ruby
on rails - it found postgresql ok, so I don't know what it's doing that
I can't!