using ajax effects properly

I've done a few ajax sites but I've never managed to get effects to work properly so I've decided to ask here.

I've got a div, which on load, contains a title and a 'View' link. When the link is clicked, the div's content is replaced by a table with more info.

How do I go about putting effects in so it does something like this:

* Click the link * Div slides up so it's invisible * The action returns the new div content * Div slides back down to the new height with the new content

And the reverse for when the user clicks the 'Hide' link that is added.

I was using visual_effect(:slide_up, 'myDiv') but that made the div disappear after it slid back down again.

Can someone with knowledge of effects clue me in please?



search for the jrails libraries, they contain jquery it has very simple methods to do what you need.

/script/plugin install [](

Once you have that installed yo do

<div class="fxBox"><div style="display: block;" class="fx" onclick="$(this).slideUp()"><p>SlideUp</p></div></div>

that is to slide up
to slide down
<div class="fxBox"><div style="" class="fx" onclick="$(this).slideDown()"><p>SlideDown</p></div></div>

Felipe Vergara wrote:

search for the jrails libraries, they contain jquery it has very simple methods to do what you need.

/script/plugin install

Once you have that installed yo do

<div class="fxBox"><div style="display: block;" class="fx" onclick="$(this).slideUp()"><p>SlideUp</p></div></div>

that is to slide up to slide down <div class="fxBox"><div style="" class="fx" onclick="$(this).slideDown()"><p>SlideDown</p></div></div>

Hi, thanks for the reply.

I can see that this looks easier, but is it actually going to work like link_to_remote? I mean will it be able to call an action and return the content that the action renders?

I'm not sure but I think I should be looking at combination effects or something.

The actual content replacement and everything works fine, but it doesn't have any effects, it's just a sharp, quick "change" which isn't easy on the eye. I just want to add a slide effect to the update.



Check out this snippet

I'm nearly there, the problem is that :slide_up automatically sets the element to hidden when in fact I want it to stay visible.

I have looked everywhere for a solution but this has really stumped me, how can I stop the element getting hidden between the up and down slides?

