URL issues


sorry having some trouble posting, here is my question:


not sure why my text is being hidden.....here is my question (for the last time):

Hi,    I watched the rails screencast on creating a blog in 15 minutes. I followed along got it working on my home PC and I then uploaded it to my web host. So I have,


  I had to change some config in the blog app (i.e. production mode, db settings).

I then created a directory....

cd ~/public_html/bor

And a symlink to point to my blog app....

ln -s ~/blog/public ~/public_html/bor

I deleted the blog/public/index.html and I modified blog/config/ routes.rb to contain the following line:

map.connect '', :controller => 'blog', :action =>'index'

I did that so when someone goes to mysite.com/bor/ they would get directed to what is the index action in my blog_controller.

Ok, so things are working and I can see my blog posts when I go to, mysite.com/bor/ Now if I click on post I get redirected to mysite.com/bor/blog/show/1 .....and from that page if I click "back" I end up at mysite.com/bor/blog/list ....basically all the links look like mysite.com/bor/blog/<blah blah blah> instead of what I hoped to see, mysite.com/bor/<blah blah blah>.

Any ideas?

If it helps, my blog_controller.rb has the following method for the "index" ...

def index list render :action => 'list' end


cdvr wrote:

not sure why my text is being hidden.....here is my question (for the last time):

Hi,    I watched the rails screencast on creating a blog in 15 minutes. I followed along got it working on my home PC and I then uploaded it to my web host. So I have,


  I had to change some config in the blog app (i.e. production mode, db settings).

I then created a directory....

cd ~/public_html/bor

And a symlink to point to my blog app....

ln -s ~/blog/public ~/public_html/bor

I deleted the blog/public/index.html and I modified blog/config/ routes.rb to contain the following line:

map.connect '', :controller => 'blog', :action =>'index'

I did that so when someone goes to mysite.com/bor/ they would get directed to what is the index action in my blog_controller.

Ok, so things are working and I can see my blog posts when I go to, mysite.com/bor/ Now if I click on post I get redirected to mysite.com/bor/blog/show/1 .....and from that page if I click "back" I end up at mysite.com/bor/blog/list ....basically all the links look like mysite.com/bor/blog/<blah blah blah> instead of what I hoped to see, mysite.com/bor/<blah blah blah>.

Any ideas?

If it helps, my blog_controller.rb has the following method for the "index" ...

def index list render :action => 'list' end


I'm assuming you mean the "back" link on your page? Also assuming it was generated by scaffold, since you're going to the list action.

Change the link_to action (in views/blog/show.rhtml) from 'list' to 'index'. eg: link_to :controller => 'blog', :action => 'index'

With the route defined, it should automagically map to /