"Undefined Attribute Method"

I couldn't find any other source to solve my problem, so I'm posting here I have a controller "candidates"

class CandidatesController < ApplicationController   def new     @candidate = Candidate.new   end end

A table model called candidate with lots of validations.

I create my new.html.erb and whenever I try to open it I get this error message:

undefined method `define_attribute_methods' for nil:NilClass

Extracted source (around line #3):

1: <h1>Yeni Basvuru</h1> 2: 3: <% form_for @candidate do |t|%> 4: <div> 5: <%= t.label :name,"Isim"%> 6: <%= t.text_field :name%>

Please help me out!

I couldn't find any other source to solve my problem, so I'm posting here I have a controller "candidates"

class CandidatesController < ApplicationController def new @candidate = Candidate.new end end

A table model called candidate with lots of validations.

I create my new.html.erb and whenever I try to open it I get this error message:

I'd say that the most likely problem is that you've managed to define a method (or have an attribute with a name) that clashes with a standard ruby or activerecord method. Do you have a method or column named class by any chance?


I'd say that the most likely problem is that you've managed to define a method (or have an attribute with a name) that clashes with a standard ruby or activerecord method. Do you have a method or column named class by any chance?


I have these:

    t.string "name"     t.string "surname"     t.string "email"     t.integer "tc_id"     t.datetime "birthday"     t.integer "cellphone"     t.integer "localphone"     t.boolean "gender"     t.string "school"     t.string "class"     t.text "address"     t.boolean "accommodation"     t.boolean "scholarship"     t.text "other"     t.text "arrival"     t.text "condition"     t.text "reference"     t.string "parent_n"     t.string "parent_s"     t.integer "parent_p"     t.string "parent_e"     t.string "alt_name"     t.integer "alt_phone"     t.boolean "attendance"     t.string "which_event"     t.boolean "attendance_p"     t.string "which_camp"     t.text "expectation"     t.string "source"     t.boolean "terms"     t.datetime "created_at"     t.datetime "updated_at"

That “class” attribute is probably your problem.

> I'd say that the most likely problem is that you've managed to define > a method (or have an attribute with a name) that clashes with a > standard ruby or activerecord method. > Do you have a method or column named class by any chance?

I have these:

t\.string   &quot;school&quot;
t\.string   &quot;class&quot;

That would be a yes then.


Thanks a lot Fred!!