undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class

I am new to Ruby on Rails and have a very simple foreign key example that is driving me nuts. I am using Rails 3 under Windows Vista and have two tables: users and user_comments. user_comments.user_id should point to the user a comment is about.

In my show view for user I have a link to the new method of user_comments to allow a comment to be created. This throws:

Showing c:/Gpsappm/app/views/user_comments/_form.html.erb where line #1 raised:

undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class Extracted source (around line #1):

1: <%= form_for(@user_comment) do |user_comments| %> 2: <% if @user_comment.errors.any? %> 3: <div id="errorExplanation"> 4: <h2><%= pluralize(@user_comment.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this user comment from being saved:</h2>

(1) What exactly does this error message mean? From other posts I gather this is a null instance of UserComments, but this is to create a new instance?

(2) What are the step-by-step methods I should follow to debug such issues?


I am new to Ruby on Rails and have a very simple foreign key example that is driving me nuts. I am using Rails 3 under Windows Vista and have two tables: users and user_comments. user_comments.user_id should point to the user a comment is about.

In my show view for user I have a link to the new method of user_comments to allow a comment to be created. This throws:

Showing c:/Gpsappm/app/views/user_comments/_form.html.erb where line #1 raised:

undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class Extracted source (around line #1):

1: <%= form_for(@user_comment) do |user_comments| %> 2: <% if @user_comment.errors.any? %> 3: <div id="errorExplanation"> 4: <h2><%= pluralize(@user_comment.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this user comment from being saved:</h2>

If this is a copy and paste from your result, then look at the block -- you have user_comments (plural) in there, but you refer to user_comment inside the block.


I had tried that already. My _form.html.erb actually starts with

<%= form_for(@user_comment) do |user_comment| %>    <% if @user_comment.errors.any? %>      <div id="errorExplanation">        <h2><%= pluralize(@user_comment.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this user comment from being saved:</h2>

and I get the same results:

Showing c:/Gpsappm/app/views/user_comments/_form.html.erb where line #1 raised:

undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class

David G. wrote in post #977740:

I am new to Ruby on Rails and have a very simple foreign key example that is driving me nuts. I am using Rails 3 under Windows Vista and have two tables: users and user_comments. user_comments.user_id should point to the user a comment is about.

In my show view for user I have a link to the new method of user_comments to allow a comment to be created. This throws:

Showing c:/Gpsappm/app/views/user_comments/_form.html.erb where line #1 raised:

undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class Extracted source (around line #1):

1: <%= form_for(@user_comment) do |user_comments| %> 2: <% if @user_comment.errors.any? %> 3: <div id="errorExplanation"> 4: <h2><%= pluralize(@user_comment.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this user comment from being saved:</h2>

(1) What exactly does this error message mean? From other posts I gather this is a null instance of UserComments, but this is to create a new instance?

(2) What are the step-by-step methods I should follow to debug such issues?


Post your whole _form.html.erb file. I suspect the error is elsewhere, and Rails is pointing to line 1 because that's where the enclosing block starts.


I have attached it - thanks! I am calling this from from a link in the show of the User class so have enclosed that view as well. Thanks!

Attachments: http://www.ruby-forum.com/attachment/5807/_form.html.erb http://www.ruby-forum.com/attachment/5808/show.html.erb

Please quote when replying.

David G. wrote in post #978047:

I have attached it - thanks! I am calling this from from a link in the show of the User class so have enclosed that view as well. Thanks!

I'm not sure if this is the direct cause, but it looks like the variable f isn't defined anywhere. Normally that would be the block argument that form_for takes, but you've changed the name of that block argument to user_comment, without correspondingly changing references to it.


Thanks. Same results. So I am also attaching the user_comments\new.html.erb file. "Show" of User should let you create a new comment.

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class):     1: <%= form_for(@user_comment) do |user_comment| %>

    2: <% if @user_comment.errors.any? %>

    3: <div id="errorExplanation">

    4: <h2><%= pluralize(@user_comment.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this user comment from being saved:</h2>

  app/views/user_comments/_form.html.erb:1:in `_app_views_user_comments__form_html_erb__805116599_31946496__132227956'   app/views/user_comments/new.html.erb:3:in `_app_views_user_comments_new_html_erb__406286635_32110236__1065675980'   app/controllers/user_comments_controller.rb:15:in `new'

Attachments: http://www.ruby-forum.com/attachment/5809/show.html.erb http://www.ruby-forum.com/attachment/5810/new.html.erb http://www.ruby-forum.com/attachment/5811/_form.html.erb

I would think, @user_comment is nil. Could you attach your controller, too?

Sure and thanks! You are probably right, since this is a new UserComment. I am attaching the two controllers - the other files are included above.

Attachments: http://www.ruby-forum.com/attachment/5813/user_comments_controller.rb http://www.ruby-forum.com/attachment/5814/users_controller.rb

David G. wrote in post #978220:

Sure and thanks! You are probably right, since this is a new UserComment. I am attaching the two controllers - the other files are included above.

Well, there's your problem! Look at the UserComment#new method. You're setting @usercomment in the controller, then trying to read @user_comment in the view.

BTW, I would suggest changing the name of the class to Comment. UserComment is probably redundant.


Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote in post #978225:

David G. wrote in post #978220:

Sure and thanks! You are probably right, since this is a new UserComment. I am attaching the two controllers - the other files are included above.

Well, there's your problem! Look at the UserComment#new method.

Er, sorry, I meant the UserCommentsController#new method.

Thanks for your reply. So let me ask a few specific questions to clarify my understanding of Ruby.

class UserCommentsController < ApplicationController   def new     @usercomment = UserComment.new

    respond_to do |format|       format.html # new.html.erb       format.xml { render :xml => @usercomment }     end   end ....

I would have thought, given that this was scaffolding, that UserComment.new allocated the space for the UserComment, assigned the values to nil, and that the view would render them as empty data. What IS this really doing? I assumed it passes the usercomment to one of to format methods that are internal to Ruby on Rails. Thanks again!

Again: Please quote when replying! Otherwise the discussion will be hard to follow, and you will be more likely to skip over things in the posts you're trying to respond to (as you seem to have done in this case).

David G. wrote in post #978245:

Thanks for your reply. So let me ask a few specific questions to clarify my understanding of Ruby.

class UserCommentsController < ApplicationController   def new     @usercomment = UserComment.new

    respond_to do |format|       format.html # new.html.erb       format.xml { render :xml => @usercomment }     end   end ....

I would have thought, given that this was scaffolding, that UserComment.new allocated the space for the UserComment, assigned the values to nil, and that the view would render them as empty data. What IS this really doing?

It's constructing a UserComment object (not necessarily assigning the values to nil, but running the constructor method).

I assumed it passes the usercomment to one of to format methods that are internal to Ruby on Rails.


Thanks again!

You completely missed my point from my last post. Again, I wrote:

You're setting @usercomment in the controller, then trying to read @user_comment in the view.

See the issue there? If not, then you need to brush up on your powers of observation before attempting to program in any language.



Within your view: I would say you need to replace "do |user_comment|" with something else like "do |u|"

There are no errors in your controller for the new action.

I see you said:

""Show" of User should let you create a new comment."

Part of the Rails framework is the convention of mapping new the view to the controller action. Example: new.html.erb will be mapped to new action in controller show.html.erb will be mapped to show action in controller.

If you are trying to get your new.html.erb to call the show action in your controller, then this will be the cause of your error, as in show action in the controller, you can see that the action is expecting a UserComment to be there already by finding by id: UserComment.find(params[:id]).

This will lead to a null error.