trying to get simple jquery example working for form_remote_tag

I am trying to get a simple rails example working with jquery on windows. I had a simple example using form_remote_tag which worked fine using the default Rails scriptaculous and so on. I installed jrails as mentioned here:

the same example now seems to replace the entire html as if it wasn't an ajax call. My render partial causes the partial to replace the whole html so that the stuff outside of my search_results div (such as the entire form and everything else) as well as the div itself disappears. All that is left on the page is the results returned by the controller. If I then view the source it just show the results. When I had viewed the source using scriptaculous the results where not there, just the original unchanged html. Any ideas on this ? Here's my basic controller and view stuff:

=========== index.rhtml ==========

<% form_remote_tag :url => {:controller => 'test',

:action => 'search'}, :update => 'search_results' do %>

Search <%= text_field_tag :searchtxt, '' %>

<%= submit_tag 'Submit' %>

<% end %>

  <div id="search_results">

<%= render :partial => 'results' %>


======= source page for index =======

<script src="/javascripts/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script src="/javascripts/jquery-ui.js" type="text/javascript"></

<script src="/javascripts/jquery-fx.js" type="text/javascript"></

<script src="/javascripts/jrails.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script src="/javascripts/application.js?1197410338" type="text/ javascript"></script>

<form action="/test/search" method="post" onsubmit="$.ajax({async:true, complete:function(request){$ ('#search_results').html(request.responseText);}, data:$.param($ (this).serializeArray()), dataType:'script', url:'/test/search'}); return false;">

Search <input id="searchtxt" name="searchtxt" type="text" value="" />

<input name="commit" type="submit" value="Submit" />


  <div id="search_results">


============= test_controller.rb ============

def search

    @res =


    .. # various code fills in @res etc


    render :partial => 'results'


========== _results.rhtml ============


if @res

@res.each do |r| %>

<a href="<%=r['tturl']%>"><%=r['title']%></a>

<%= r['ttsummary'] %>



<% end



I figured it out, I needed to copy the files from the plugin folder to the javascript folder in public