I am using Rails 3.0.3 with jQuery ujs.
I want to send a form remotely. The view template **mains/index.html.erb** containing the form looks as follows:
... <%= form_tag :remote => true, :controller => "mains", :action => "search", :format => :js do %> <div class="dialog"> <table> <tbody> <tr class="prop"> <td valign="top" class="name"> <%= label_tag(:location_start, "Location Start:") %> </td> <td valign="top"> <%= text_field_tag(:location_start) %> </td> ... </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="buttons"> <span class="button"><%= submit_tag("Search") %></span> </div> <% end %> ...
The controller mains_controller.rb looks as follows (removed unnecessary stuff):
class MainsController < ApplicationController
def index respond_to do |format| format.html # index.html.erb end end
def search respond_to do |format| format.js { render :template => 'mains/search.js.erb'} end end
The view template **mains/search.js.erb** has the following content:
I am using search.js.erb instead of search.js.rjs due to instructions in chapter "26.4 Write Less and Do More with JQuery" in Agile Web Development with Rails (4h edition). I also added :format => :js due to https://github.com/rails/jquery-ujs/issues/closed/#issue/52.
When I call and submit the form, it's actually not submitted remotely, but the browser loads instead. The browser outputs `$('#search').html("<h1>Headline</h1>");`, instead of executing the JavaScript by replacing div#search with `<h1>Headline</h1>` given.
I tried to find a solution but wasen't successful so far... Could anyone help?